Helping Hands | Dave Rogers 08-11-2019

Helping Hands

Exodus 17:8-16

We need each other if we are going to live overcoming lives in this world. 

Exodus 7-12

The Children of Israel had been liberated from the slavery of Egypt as a result of the display of God's power. Egypt and Pharaoh has been subjected to the 10 plagues due to the hardness of Pharaoh’s heart.

While these disasters were falling on Egypt, the region in which the Israelites dwelt, Goshen, was spared.

Exodus 13

The Children of Israel had the visible presence of the Lord with then day and night in the Cloud and the Fire

 Exodus 14

The Children of Israel escaped Pharaoh and his army when God divided the waters of the Red Sea and they crossed on dry land. God subsequently destroyed Pharaoh and his army as the sea swept over then and they drowned

 Exodus 15 

The Lord provided sweet water for the Children of Israel 

 Exodus 16 

The Lord provided Manna and Quail

 Exodus 17 

The Lord provided water from the rock.


Can you imagine experiencing the presence and the power of the Lord is such a visible, tangible way? What could possibly go wrong?

Then Came Amalek

Satan will always attack when the blessing of the Lord is flowing.

He is a thief trying to steal your joy.
He is a thief trying to erode your faith
He is a thief trying to destroy your hope

Helping Hands

We can't win the battle against Amalek alone. 

The enemy is real

The battle is real

We need each other.