All weekly activities normally held at the church building are cancelled. You are encouraged to be in prayer for each other, our community, our nation and the world especially the Christian family.
Check in frequently with us on Facebook for further announcements. Our teaching pastors will be bringing audio and audio/video devotionals in the coming days.
Pastor John and Lois Hostettler will be returning home by car from Arizona the first part of April. Pray for their safety.
Prayer requests can be sent via text to: 713-492-5254
Your generosity during this time is greatly appreciated. Donate your tithes and offerings via:
Mail: Calvary Church, Box 549, Milbank SD 57252 | Text: 84321 | Online:
Luke 11:1-13
Today’s text teaches us how to pray. We are all familiar with the Lord’s Prayer which is the foundation of today’s message.
NOTE: Relationship – Our Father Praise – Hallowed be your name Request for: physical needs – daily bread spiritual needs – forgiveness as we forgive guidance – lead us not into temptation Persistence and Faith in Prayer persistence is the application of our faith to the situation.
1. Ask
Why do we ask? For what do we ask? What about the Apostle Paul?
2. Seek
What do we seek?
3. Knock
The way these words build on each other is extremely forceful, and the fact that they are present imperatives gives them even more punch. (An imperative verb gives an order or command.) “Keep on asking, and it will be given to you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”
Jesus didn’t sugar coat the challenges of the road before his followers.
John 16:33 … In the world you have trouble: but take heart! I have overcome the world. (Bible in Basic English)
Jesus knew we couldn’t navigate the perils of the road alone so he gave the Holy Spirit convict of sin, to fill, comfort, empower, guide, teach, lead into truth and bless his followers.